Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ah. Ha. Ha... Oh boy. I'm an idiot.

I received something in the mail today and found after unpacking it the electronics were TERRIBLE. What should have been a bright light shining through was a very dim little blue glow. I was worried it was an issue with the electronics, but I didn't rule out the batteries. Even though this was brand new. In the packaging.

I got my pocket sized screwdriver and got to work undoing the screws, starting first with the battery compartment. Just my luck, the screw for the door was very cheap and started stripping instantly. I tried a few more sizes until I noticed my pocket knife worked at turning it slowly. Slowly is better than not at all, so I continued using it! Eventually I figured I'd take the whole thing apart anyway so I switched back into screwdriver mode and undid the screws on the casing. That didn't really accomplish anything so I went back to using the knife on that one screw.

Until I either lost my grip or slipped and caused the blade to fold back into the handle. This would be fine and dandy if it weren't for the fact that my thumb was between the two. My immediate thoughts? "Oh. Ow... Ow that hurts. Oh crap. CRAP. Ah!" then me rushing to the bathroom to press some toilet paper against it. My mother and sister were able to FINALLY track down some band-aids in the house and get me Neosporin'd up (That brought more sting than the actually cutting did). Apparently I'm EXTREMELY lucky it didn't cut any deeper otherwise I'd need stitches.

My mom would be the one sewing me up since I don't have insurance... Whoops!

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