Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Entry 2: I'm as jumpy as my cat

Thought it'd be fun to watch Frozen with my mom since we've been having a fun, but bad, ice/snow storm since the weekend. "Hey, we've got a lot of snow outside and are trapped in the same place! Let's watch a movie where people are trapped in snow!"

That alone would be a stupid thing since I had heard how stupid it was.

After it was over I thought I'd give the mailbox a look since I've been going through IHaven'tGottenAPackageInAWeekeitus and the roads are starting to get clear. While at the mailbox I took a step and heard a sound I can only describe as a growl. An animal growl.* I turned suddenly and looked around, not seeing anything around. I may or may not have uttered a, "huuuuuuuuh?" It may or may not have been in a worried tone. I scampered back into the house and realized the sound was a piece of ice sliding on our ice yard. Ice that had broken free from me stepping on the sheet around the box.

I scared myself from a sliding piece of ice caused by my walking.

* Note: Movie has one of the characters eaten by wolves.Spoilers.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Entry 1.5: Quick one.

As you may have noticed over there -> I have a couple of Google ads up. I don't expect to make any money from this whole thing, but it's handy to see how many times the ads are viewed.

Just now I was looking at the blog(s) and saw the ads weren't popping up. This boggled me. I checked my Adsense account, checked the HTML code for posting the ad. Everything seemed right.

Five minutes later I gave up and figured it was a glitch that would hopefully fix itself. That glitch turned out to be me forgetting to turn my ad-blocker off.
